Friday, July 10, 2009

Waking up to Pangya Season 4 and my Birthday!

What an exciting day. I was too excited to sleep, so here I am blogging.

I'll probably play mostly Pangya today, since my party is tomorrow.

I might draw some. Chat with people. Check emails. I like getting happy birthday wishes :3

Also, it appears that it's Tesla's birthday. That's pretty cool. I want a Tesla lightbulb for my dorm, just because it'd be awesome.

I'm 18 now! That means porn and weapons! No drinking yet, but it's all good.

I should probably go eat something now.


  1. cigarettes (boo!), porn (weewt!), the death sentence (boo!), weapons (boo!), rifles and shotguns but not handguns, credit cards, voting, ability to sign your own damn paperwork (weewt)

    your scarily addicted to that game; makes me sad :(

  2. minors tried as adults can get capital punishment. happy birthday!
